MoMe Flash Cards for Difficult Times Gift


MoMe Flash Cards for Difficult Times Gift


MoMe cards especially for the times in our lives that can be challenging or difficult. Times that can take more out of us emotionally or that we have to dig a bit deeper to navigate through.

While all of my MoMe cards encourage you to pause and take a moment for you, and remind us to practice staying present during our busy lives... a practice that reminds us of the importance of self care and self compassion and to be gentle with ourselves each day. A practice that reminds us of the power of our breath to keep us grounded and still when it can all feel a bit overwhelming. This particular range is specifically for the tougher times and this is just one MoMe card from that range.

We are all different with different circumstances but we are also faced with lots of other different challenges in our lives...what’s important to remember is all of our feelings are valid and there’s no right or wrong way to feel. However you feel is how you feel and if you’re not feeling great this evening remind yourself that no feeling is permanent and you will feel different again.

The Details:

  • Each pack contains 12 new mini Mini MoMe Cards

  • Each card is Business Card size (85mm (w) x 55mm (h) in size and printed on 350gsm card with a matt laminate finish

  • Each pack comes presented in plastic holder to carry around in your bag.

  • Also comes with a MoMe natural wooden stand.

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